


•  Disability results in: loss of employment, reduced productivity, less rewarding jobs, unemployment especially for women, lower salaries

•  In addition disability limits employment for other household members as time is spent on care-giving

•  Restoring sight results in work resumption and enabling caregivers to find employment

Material wealth

•  Households affected by disability, including vision impairment have: lower average incomes, more severe income loss, lower savings, higher debt and low asset and land ownership, and lower housing and amenity standards

•  Households also suffer from hunger and food insecurity


•  Disability impacts on: school participation, children’s entrance into schools, literacy levels and school completion and success

•  Girls and women are more affected in terms of school participation and literacy levels

•  In addition, disability indirectly impacts on education by disrupting of schooling of children who stay at home to take care of the disabled


•  Disabled have: numerous barriers to healthcare, limited access to rehabilitation services, greater risk of accidents, higher mortality rates, equal or higher risk of HIV exposure and limited HIV/Aids outreach and treatment services

Poverty alleviation & development

•  Disabled (especially vision impaired) have: limited access to development assistance and poverty relief

Social wellbeing

•  Disabled people are socially isolated and have reduced marriage prospects, less partner choices, and greater abandonment risk

•  Disabled people and their families experience low self-esteem and stigma

•  Disabled people, especially women experience higher rates of violence & less assistance with abuse and have limited decision-making power in and outside household

Public cost

•  Direct costs: medical & related expenses

•  Indirect costs: missed income-earning opportunities & long term productive potential impact